Thursday, March 10, 2011


Do you mind if I say that I am tired of talking, hearing, seeing,
walking, dreaming, nightmaring about women all day..each day
of the year? It takes all the fun out of life. Kya yaar! I myself am
a woman, na? Know all about myself, see? Bored stiff. Either
the Divas or the Witches. Anyway, does anybody know from where
did the word 'Diva' come from? DEVI? What does it matter?
I only want to have a woman-'free' day in my life before I die.


just about everything: Aruna and the women's day

just about everything: Aruna and the women's day: "The newspapers..first day spread about the nurse who is living in a vegetative state for years, because of a sexual assault. Some cry, som..."

Aruna and the women's day

The newspapers..first day spread about the nurse
who is living in a vegetative state for years, because
of a sexual assault. Some cry, some are angry, some
are pessimistic about the female fate.Was that incident
about a female only? It is human rights! The  fates of the
sexual assaults against women are sealed by branding
them as 'of women' only. So... a day is reserved in a year,
to talk about them.The story was about Euthanasia. About
Law. But newspapers made it into an issue about the women.
Everybody seems to forget that the incident which made a bleak
tragedy out of a working person's life was a Human rights issue.
And now the tug-of-war between Pinki Virani and the Law is a
Human rights issue too.